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Long Island

NEAT Method Long Island specializes in organizing, unpacking and downsizing luxury homes & offices across Long Island. We make the space you have functional for the life you live.

Meet Our Long Island Owner::

Donna Gryboski

Donna Gryboski

DONNA GRYBOSKI. Owner of NEAT Method LONG ISLAND. Has moved 8 times in the last 6 years, making her a MASTER of MOVES. Born and raised on the sunny NORTH FORK with MINIATURE HORSES as family pets. Allergic to TOMATOES, but pico de gallo is her favorite food. MOVIE THEATER POPCORN is her guilty pleasure. Likely to choose a vacation home based on whether or not they have a NESPRESSO machine. Met her two best friends in a SANDBOX when she was 1 year old. Dreams of owning a BED + BREAKFAST in IRELAND, with an IRISH SETTER named ROVER that greets guests at the door.


Organizing Long Island & surrounding areas...

  • South Shore
  • North Shore
  • Huntington Area
  • North Fork
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