Pre-Move Edit with a Professional Organizer

Here at NEAT, we pride ourselves on turning what would be a stressful situation into a calm one. One of the most chaotic times in our lives, often revolves around a move. Taking our clients through this transition is one of NEAT Method PDX owner, Allison Gross', favorite aspects of our service. She tells how she helped a recent client with a pre-move edit to ensure their move was as successful as possible. 


We recently started working with a family that will be moving into a brand new home in a few weeks. Our focus for the pre-move edit was to sort through saved baby, kids and maternity items to make a smooth transition from one household to another.


The first step for our pre-edit, like any space that we organize, was to get everything out! We sorted through and assessed what we had in each space and began the process of categorizing to make editing a breeze for our client. This can definitely be the most overwhelming part of the process, but it's worth it for the results we achieve.


When categorizing for a move, there may be different types of groupings to consider. For example, this family was getting ready for a possible new baby in the family. As we sorted and categorized, we separated by size and gender, to make things seamless when pulling items out for the next baby (whether it's a girl or boy). We also took this time to separate their two boys' memory items and got them tucked away into labeled bins so they're ready to go when it's time to move. 

*Be sure to have moving experts secure all breakables before moving!


Once everything was sorted, this is when we brought the client in to edit. We like to use clearly defined signs to keep track of what to keep, what to toss and what to donate. In this case, we also used sticky notes to determine clothing size, nursery elements, and maternity items. I prompted our client to really think if she would use each item, both for a new child and in the new space they were transitioning into. She did a great job editing down, while only keeping items that truly work and were loved. 

Once editing was complete, and clear categories had been determined, we were able to then tuck belongings that were being kept, into clearly labeled bins. Whenever possible we will place clothing and other soft goods into boxes and suitcases to ensure an organized transition from one home to the next. This created the perfect set up to unpack into their new home in the most orderly fashion. 


The last step to this job was to organize a pick up from 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Remember, a major goal of a pre-edit is to avoid taking unwanted items into a new space. We were able to get rid of large, out-of-date baby items, broken kid’s toys, and even some furniture that was no longer needed. By working with a NEAT team, our clients ensured a smooth transition from one home to the next – and it all started with a pre-edit!


If you are interested in a Pre-Edit before a big move or renovation, connect with your local NEAT team for details.


the NEAT team

Tagged allison gross, edit, moving, oregon, portland, purge
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