Space Lift: Small Kitchen

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of how our clients are living more effiiciently in their newly organized spaces.

Take a look at this small kitchen and see what makes it so NEAT!

City :: Minneapolis

Organizer :: Lauren Alsup

Room :: Small Kitchen

Hours to complete :: 4 hours

Objective :: To declutter a smaller kitchen and only keep the items the owner really needs and utilizes.

Client’s favorite feature :: The ability to see & reach all the items she needs on an everyday basis within the small space she has. During the project she realized just how many unused items she was holding on to and she said becoming NEAT “makes a big difference.”

Stand out product :: Knowing te client wanted to be able to see her white cabinets we utilized clear products that kept order without disrupting the light & flow.

What’s your favorite part of this small kitchen?


The NEAT Girls

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