Streamlining a Kitchen for a Family of Four in Raleigh

Organizer Spotlight: Stephanie Zboyovski

For one busy family in Cary's Regency neighborhood, a large kitchen with multiple storage areas had become a bit chaotic. With a pantry and a scullery, this family of four found themselves constantly searching for items, often finding duplicates scattered throughout the space. Their goal? To create a kitchen that flowed seamlessly, with easy access to kid-friendly snacks and a dedicated area for preparing Indian cuisine.

Enter Stephanie Zboyovski and the NEAT Method Raleigh-Durham team. With an eye for organization and a passion for creating functional spaces, Stephanie set out to transform the kitchen by creating distinct zones that could be accessed at different points throughout the day. This would minimize the need to search through the entire space for specific items.

Over the course of 7 hours, the team got to work. They started by creating a grab-and-go snack area right by the door, perfect for quick access to kid-friendly items. Next, they designated a zone for breakfast and drink preparation, streamlining the morning routine. Finally, they tackled the scullery, creating a custom-labeled system for the family's most-used items, including spices, beans, and pasta.

One hurdle Stephanie and her team faced during this project was making sense of the labels on several bagged items that were not in English. To ensure accurate labeling, Stephanie worked closely with the client, allowing them to write the correct label on a sticky note before decanting. The team was then able to create custom printed labels that matched the pre-printed set, resulting in a cohesive and functional system.

For this family, the standout feature of their newly organized kitchen is the grab-and-go snack zone. Not only is it easily maintained, but it also allows the kids to quickly access what they need, whether they're packing for school or grabbing a snack between activities. The client also loves being able to keep the scullery door closed during the day, only accessing it for breakfast and dinner prep.

While the entire space benefited from the new system, there was one product that truly elevated the functionality of this kitchen: the canisters. By decanting items like spices, beans, and pasta, Stephanie not only improved visibility but also helped to keep bulk items fresh, reducing the need for plastic bags.

This Cary kitchen transformation showcases how impactful purposeful organization can be. By taking the time to understand the family's unique needs and routines, Stephanie was able to create a space that not only looks beautiful but also functions flawlessly. 


Glass Jars

Pantry Label Set

Perforated Basket

Perforated Acacia Basket


the NEAT team

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