New NEAT City | Denver - Downtown

We want to welcome Linda Horn of Denver - Downtown, Colorado to the NEAT team. We are thrilled to have her. Let’s find out more about what makes her so NEAT.

NM : Why do you want to run NEAT in your city?

LH :  I have loved working for NEAT Method for the past five years. I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur, so I am thrilled to have the opportunity to build the NEAT Downtown Denver business. I have lived in downtown Denver for many years and look forward to bringing the tranquility of an organized home to my town.


NM : What did you do before NEAT?

LH : I worked as a designer at The Container Store and volunteered at a non-profit.


NM : What makes your city unique?

LH : Denver is a vibrant city that offers a plethora of activities and experiences. Truly the crossroads for the country with friendly people from all over.

NM : How long have you lived in your city?

LH : I've lived in Denver for twenty-four years and raised my two sons here!


NM : What are your favorite places to eat in your city?

LH : Linger and Root Down in Highlands, Corridor 44 in Larimer Square and Sherpa House in Golden whenever my sons are in town.


NM : What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

LH : Developing relationships with clients and local professionals.

NM : Show us a picture of your most organized space and tell us what it is.

LH : Bathroom Linens - I love my old house, but the lack of linen closets creates a situation where towels and toiletries are visible. So it is important to store items NEATly.

NM : What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

LH : Professionalism and discretion. Listening to clients’ specific needs and creatively developing a home organization unique to them while considering personality, life stage and household dynamics. My goal is to build value and achieve a luxurious, yet practical, way of life for clients.

NM : What is your favorite organizing product?

LH : Drawer dividers! It's amazing what sorting and containing items can do for efficiency and aesthetics.


NM : Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

LH : I make a great charcuterie board!


Congratulations on launching Downtown Denver. We’re so excited to have you join NEAT!

The NEAT Team

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