New NEAT City | Dallas - Lakewood

We want to welcome Sydney Coale of Dallas-Lakewood, Texas to the NEAT team. We are thrilled to have her. Let’s find out more about what makes her so NEAT.

NM :: Why do you want to run NEAT in your city?

SC :: Dallas has been trending growth for the past decade and is a great city for job opportunities, diversity, and education. The city attracts great people and families to move or stay here. Sounds like the perfect spot to run a business to me!


NM :: What did you do before NEAT?

SC :: Before NEAT, I was a Civil Engineer and worked as an engineering consultant in commercial land development.


NM :: What makes your city unique?

SC :: You can never get bored here! There is always a new restaurant or bar to try out and when you’re ready to work it off you can hit up the Katy Trail, White Rock Lake, or any of the other local trails for outdoor exercise!


NM :: How long have you lived in your city?

SC :: I have lived in Dallas for two and a half years!


NM :: What are your favorite places to shop in your city?

SC :: I love shopping at Ruibal’s, Central Market, Mockingbird Station and on Knox Henderson!


NM :: Show us a picture of your most organized space and tell us what it is.

SC :: My adjustable bamboo utensil organizers were one of my most anticipated wedding gifts! Something about having two sets of beautiful utensils and my cheese knives perfectly organized was so special to me.


NM :: What about your least organized space? What the heck happened?

SC :: Well… this space could use some work. Since we have moved into our home, we have become olive oil and balsamic lovers. Which means they all get piled in this cabinet where I never originally planned for them to be! Along with all the mismatched spices that could use some love!


NM :: What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

SC :: I am so excited to start meeting other people in the industry, building relationships in my community, and finding my clients! Any business is all about your people!


NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

SC :: A fun, bubbly, hardworking, and direct person to get the job done! Someone that is here to listen to my clients and make their vision become a reality!


NM :: Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

SC :: I can eat my weight in chips and queso!

That sounds delicious! Congratulations on launching Dallas-Lakewood! We’re so excited to have you join NEAT!

The NEAT Team

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