Space Lift: Shared Boys Room

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of how our clients are living more effiiciently in their newly organized spaces.

Take a look at this shared boys room and see what makes it so NEAT!

City :: New York

Organizer :: Corrin McCoy

Room :: Shared Boys Room

Hours to complete :: 6 hours

Objective :: Move all boy clothing into the same shared bedroom so that the mom knows where each boy’s clothing is, and what currently fits them.

Client’s favorite feature :: Her favorite part was that only what currently fits is easily accessible. It makes getting the boys ready much quicker. She also loves the basket we placed on the top shelves for each boy’s next size. She liked that the immediate next size was easily available and she can slowly transition bigger sizes in as the boys grow!

Stand out product :: The Storage Bin with Rope Handles worked really well for this space. They fit perfectly into the upper cabinet of the built-in and because they were soft, we were able to really load them up with a lot of clothing that was being saved!

What’s your favorite part of this shared boys room?


The NEAT Girls

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