NEW Chicago Owner

It’s launch time again! This month we are launching three brand new markets and one you may be familiar with – our second city to launch and America’s second city – Chicago. Please welcome Betsy Marsala. She’s already a NEAT Chicago girl, but she’s ready to take the lead herself!

NM :: What made you want to run NEAT Chicago?

BM :: It’s always been my goal to make a living doing what I love; it’s a privilege to now help others live the NEAT life by doing this full time! Organizing for others is equally energizing as it is challenging, especially in the city where space is often limited.

NM :: What did you do before you started NEAT?

BM :: I was a lead organizer the past three years in Chicago, but prior to any involvement with NEAT Method, I ran a digital photobook business from home, worked for Broadway in Chicago, acted in children’s theater, studied comedy, nannied for three terrific kids, and was a personal assistant.

NM :: Sounds like you’re pretty well rounded! What makes Chicago so special?

BM :: We’re the Second City! Chicago is incredibly vibrant. The longer I live here, the more there is to love – especially the food and theatre. Everyday I meet people from all walks of life too; the diversity alone has expanded my world view and influenced who I am today. Lastly, it’s the only city I’ve lived where it can rain, snow, sleet, and hail all in the same day. Very impressive!

NM :: Impressive indeed! How long have you lived in Chicago?

BM :: 8 years, but some winters make it feel like much longer!

NM :: Haha! What are your favorite places to shop in Chicago?

BM :: I prefer to shop locally when I can. Hazel has the best gifts, Four Sided has the best greeting cards, and then of course The Container Store for all things organization. That’s not local, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t shop there frequently!

NM :: What about your favorite places to eat?

BM :: I’m all about comfort food. My husband and I frequent The Roost, Spacca Napoli’s (the pistachio pizza is a MUST), Tango Sur, Real Kitchen (best gourmet on the go!), and burgers at Mad Social.

NM :: We’d love to see your most organized space!

BM :: A well organized office is a must for me. Making sure everything has a home helps me work efficiently and clutter free.

NM :: What about your least organized space and tell us what the heck happened.

BM :: I’ll be brave and show my latest organization challenge! Here is my NEAT bag after a day of work… YIKES. I am on ­the­ go with this job so my purse and NEAT bag get out of hand if I don’t keep up with it on a daily basis. I think I better call one of my colleagues and help me figure out a better system!

NM :: What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT Chicago?

BM :: Implementing sustainable solutions that make life easier for clients. I am passionate about reducing stress and clutter to ensure clients function better in their own home. Also, there’s nothing better than seeing the reaction of a homeowner after they see their spaces transformed and organized.

NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

BM :: A thoughtful and intentional system that is unique to the client and their needs. Organization systems are not always a “one size fits all approach.” Every household is different, and I look forward to providing a custom system that not only functions well, but complements the home’s aesthetic as well.

NM :: Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

BM :: I’m a performer at heart! I improvise, act, and write short plays/sketch comedy in my free time.

Wow! We are so excited to have such a multi-talented woman on board. Welcome to the team Betsy! We just know you’re going to take Chicago by storm.

the NEAT girls

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