NEW Owner for Charlotte

Our established market in Charlotte, North Carolina is changing hands! We want to welcome new owner Nicole Bartlett to the NEAT team. We are thrilled to have her. Let’s find out more about what makes her so NEAT.

NM : Why do you want to run NEAT in your city?

NB :  Charlotte is a rapid growing city with lots of great client potential! As a true organizer at heart, it's a perfect match :)


NM : What did you do before NEAT?

NB : I have an Apparel Merchandising degree from Indiana University. After college I spent all my career working my way up in the department store retail industry in both merchant and product development/sourcing roles in the cities of MILWAUKEE, WI and CHARLOTTE, NC. 


NM : What makes your city unique?

NB : The overall growth numbers and development in Charlotte make it unique in general as I assume these rates compared to the national average are quite high. In addition, Charlotte is great in the sense as there is a city vibe with lakes nearby and only a few hours away from the ocean & mountains! 

NM: How long have you lived in your city?

NB : 12 years!


NM : What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

NB : Meeting and networking with lots of people across the area - both clients and other small business owners. There are so many people doing really cool things in Charlotte that I cannot wait to learn more about!


NM : Show us a picture of your most organized space and tell us what it is.

NB : Pantry - done by Neat Method one year ago. This is how I was first introduced to NEAT!



NM : What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

NB : They can expect a friendly, professional and reliable service with our own quality product line that elevates us from other organizing companies. There is nothing like the beauty of having your home look consistent from a product and organization standpoint!


NM : What is your favorite organizing product?

NB : Labels! They are the final touch to projects that make it glow :)

NM : Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

NB : I don't know if this is really a talent, but I am a mother of 3 kids, 5 years old and under which basically means I am a superhero. Ha! Also, I am a Peloton junkie and love to workout - have run three marathons in my days (although it has been several years!)


Congratulations on taking ownership of NEAT Method Charlotte. We’re so excited to have you!

The NEAT Team

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