New NEAT City | Chicago - Southwest Suburbs

We are officially in 19 NEAT cities and could not be more excited to share our latest one with you! Not only is it lucky number 19, but it’s also the third city in the state of Illinois to start living the NEAT life. We are so happy to introduce you to Laura Defalco, our newest NEAT organizer in Naperville, Illinois! We sat down to chat with her about life and all things Naperville today on the blog!

NM:: Hi Laura! We are so excited to have you! Let’s start with all the basics, tell us your name, where you are from, where you went to school… etc etc.
LD:: Hi! I’m Laura DeFalco, born in Raleigh, North Carolina, and raised in Naperville,IL. I went to school at Naperville North H.S. and college at University of Iowa (B.A. Elementary Education), Grad school at Concordia University (M.A. Curriculum and Instruction). I am so excited to be back in my hometown and helping people in the area start to live the NEAT life!

NM:: We’re so happy, too! Now, we are assuming you moved back to Naperville to grow that adorable family of yours. Give us the good stuff…how did you meet your husband and when did Charlotte become a twinkle in your eye?
LD:: I met Tony in Lake Geneva while visiting his lake house with mutual friends. It was pretty immediately after that that we went on our first date and that was that!! Charlotte was born June 13, 2015 and is THE BEST BABY EVER! Except for the fact that she is only 14 months and already starting to get sassy 🙂

NM:: Now… we know you were always an organized person but give us your LBN (life before NEAT) what were you up to? How did you make the transition over? What attracted you to NEAT in the first place?
LD:: Okay…LBN… I taught Kindergarten for 6 years in Chicago Public Schools. After that, I became an Instructional Coach for first year teachers for 3 years at AUSL (Academy for Urban School Leadership). I have always admired NEAT and being that I have always been OCD when it comes to getting organized, I knew it would be a perfect fit!

NM:: Now that you are back in your hometown, what are some of your “old favorites” and what are some “new finds” that you are loving?
LD:: Oh! I love this part – my old favs include:: Anderson Bookstore, Lou Malnati’s Pizzera, and Naper Nuts and Sweets.
My favorite new finds include: Room 363 and Little Luxuries.

NM:: Okay, time to talk organizing! What’s your most organized space?
LD:: Since moving back to Naperville, I would have to say the most organized space in my home is my daughter’s closet. She comes before everyone else….and she knows it!!!
NM:: Okay, so you knew it was coming…what’s your least organized space?
LD:: Yikes! Probably our basement. We had our parents storing a lot of our stuff while we were moving and now we have it all in our basement….I have lots of work to do!
NM:: You will have to get us a before and after when you are finished – you know how much we love that!

NM:: Last question, why do you think Naperville is going to love living the NEAT life?
LD:: Naperville has always been a very charming, cute town. Every time I would come back to visit from the city, there was always something happening, new stores opening up, and people everywhere!! I know that Naperville is going to love living the NEAT life because it already radiates functional and beautiful all at the same time!
NM:: Welcome to the team, Laura. We are thrilled to have you!
the NEAT Girls

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