Thanksgiving Thoughts From the NEAT Girls

This Thanksgiving, we wanted to reflect on an amazing year of living, "The NEAT Life." After countless hours organizing our client's homes, we wanted to take a second to reflect on what matters most to us this year (besides the new Bieber album of course!)  

In Denver, Allo is thankful for her Dad, her biker buddy, her skiing inspiration, her water ski idol & her boating partner. She is thankful for this work ethic, his love for his family, his health and his advice.

In Chicago, Ashley says, "I'm thankful for these two little men! And how great a brother's bond is!"

Brooke in Chicago says, "This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for my fiance…. he brings love and joy to my life daily and I'm honored to tackle life's adventures with him!"

In San Diego, Katie is thankful for this little guy who allows her to truly enjoy life on a daily basis! 

The NEAT girls are all in baby heaven thanks to Mika in Scottsdale. That said, Mika says, "I am thankful for the arrival of our healthy and perfect little girl!!"

In San Francisco, Molly is thankful for these boys in her life. Both make life a little more crazy but ten times more fun!

We couldn't resist sharing this sweet note from Alex in St. Louis to her husband:: "This [and every] year, I'm thankful for my sweet and handsome hubby! He is the best guy I know and brings me more laughs and fun than anyone in the world. In 2015 he has been extra amazing and supportive as I've embarked on this new NEAT journey! I love you, Michael Jordan!" 

This year in Columbus, Julia is thankful for her lead organizer, Joyce! She has been a huge asset to Neat Method Cbus and her favorite P.I.O – Partner In Organizing:)

 Marissa can't help but feel extra thankful for my family this holiday season. Being in South Florida creates some distance between them but it is always good to know they are only a short plane ride away!

LIsa has a lot to be thankful for in San Francisco this year and here's what she had to say about it –  "For 2015, I'm thankful for SF's Lead Organizer, Haley.  This was a huge transition year for SF in a lot of ways and Haley was one of our few constants.  I appreciate her dedication to our clients and our team.  It's also not so bad to be stuck in a closet with her 😉  I'm including a mini shout-out to my mom, Jo.  Without her and Haley, I would not have made it this year.  Thank you!!!"

In New York, Maria says, "As always, I am most thankful for the amazing friends and family I have in my life. Though they're all pretty rad, I am especially thankful for this guy – for everything he does for me, for all the amazing adventures we've been on, and for the fact that in 44 days I get to call him my husband." 

This one gave us a good laugh! Aside from her family, Liz is especially thankful for coffee this year! "I am thankful for coffee. While I've always known it could help wake me and keep me warm in the winter, this year it's helped me with something new. It's introduced me to some of Milwaukee's finest home professionals and helped to grow my business. And I've toured some of Milwaukee's great neighborhoods while visiting quirky, friendly and cool coffee shops around town."

Finally, in New Jersey, Erika and Jennifer say, "Aside from the obvious good health and happy children and husbands, and YOU TWO, Jen and I are thankful for each other as business partners."


We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family this year. Thank you for your business and support over the years!


the NEAT girls

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