How It All Began…A Story from our Founders!

We often times get asked how we started this crazy business. Believe it or not…our answer may surprise you! Most of you have read our little story about how we first met and our instant connection over Chicago, relocating to San Francisco and our love for being organized. What you may not know is that we really did not know eachother when we started this business. Literally, we met one afternoon and set up a little coffee date a few days later.

At that first date, we started talking about our hopes and dreams while living in SF and shared that we both had dabbled into the interesting world of organizing. From that date on, we decided to take a blind leap into what we thought would be a fun hobby. Not only did we realize that we really liked eachother, but we also realized we were really good at it.

ashley murphy, molly graves, neat method, home organizers, founders, female entrepreneur

The part that may surprise you is that it wasn't the organizing that we were good at. Sure…we could put together a good color coordinated space or too, but just because we grew up organizing our rooms every weekend didn't mean we could run a business. Our very first client actually came from a Tweet that Molly's husband had seen. The Tweet came from a successful tech guy sharing a New York Times article about an organizing business in NYC. He was asking if anyone knew of something like this in San Francisco. Without hesitation, we Tweeted back letting him know that we were organizers that had just launched our business in SF. Little did he know, we hadn't had a single client yet or barley a business setup for that matter.

Somehow we impressed them during the consultation and he and his wife hired us to complete their entire home (eeekkk!!). This was the first time that we learned that the two of us worked really well together…especially when it came to pretending that we both knew what we were doing. 

ashley murphy, molly graves, neat method, home organizers, founders, female entrepreneur, color coding, pantry

From that day (and that client) on, we truly haven't looked back. Countless days and hours together have led us to what you see today. As many of you know, we have now turned this little hobby into a National company with organizers in 18 cities across the Country. It's amazing how many women (and some men) are out there that also want to turn their passion for organizing into a business.

Our advice to all of you would be to ask yourselves how motivated you are to actually run a business. Not just the "hobby" of organizing, but a true, 9-5 (and sometimes longer) business. If you are one of those people, then you can absolutely put the same heart and soul into this as well. In fact, that goes for any business that you want to attempt. We are just hear to tell you that it is possible. If two 20 something gals from the Midwest can do it, then so can all of you!

ashley murphy, molly graves, neat method, home organizers, founders, female entrepreneur, color coding, pantry

We do want to thank all of you for all of your support! We couldn't be doing all of this without all of you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are looking to start your own organizing business. We have several ways of helping you do so!


Ashley & Molly 

ashley murphy, molly graves, neat method, home organizers, founders, female entrepreneur, color coding, pantry

Tagged Ashley & Molly, Start up story, The NEAT Girls

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