How To Get Organized In One Hour Or Less

How To Get Organized In One Hour Or Less

If you're anything like the average person, you split your time between work, playtime, meal prep, housework and a million other little things. For...

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How To Declutter Your Schedule From Rinse

How To Declutter Your Schedule From Rinse

As both a dry clean and laundry delivery company and a growing startup, the folks at Rinse live and breath efficiency and time-savings. Their missi...

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NEAT to Know | Intimates

NEAT to Know | Intimates

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sounds like too much we suggest taking small steps that will make a...

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Before & After : Craft Room

Before & After : Craft Room

There’s not much more satisfying than a good before & after. We want to take you behind the scenes for our latest transformat...

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How to Organize Cleaning Products

How to Organize Cleaning Products

While we don’t pretend to be professional house cleaners – we do know a thing or two about cleaning products! Well… we know about organizing them, ...

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How To Edit

How To Edit

It seems as though Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up show on Netflix took the world by storm – but how many of you have actually “tidied” your house? While ...

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How To Plan Your Week

How To Plan Your Week

It will probably come as no surprise that the NEAT girls love a good calendar system! We use a variety of planners, online programs and other tools...

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Real World: Ashley’s Renovation

Real World: Ashley’s Renovation

Our finalized NEAT spaces are picture perfect, but we are the first to admit the process isn’t always as beautiful. Our co-founder Ashley just fini...

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NEAT to Know | Spices

NEAT to Know | Spices

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sounds like too much we suggest taking small steps that will make a...

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NEAT to Know | Kitchen Tools

NEAT to Know | Kitchen Tools

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sounds like too much we suggest taking small steps that will make a...

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Storing Out-Of-Season Clothes

Storing Out-Of-Season Clothes

Fall is right around the corner, so it’s time to switch out the warm summer clothes in favor of those cozier knits, pants & boots! We asked our...

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A NEAT Guide to Minimalism

A NEAT Guide to Minimalism

Minimalism is often misunderstood, but at its core it is the intentional act of simplifying one’s life. Or in other word’s it is music to our ears!...

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Ready for a change in season? Your closet likely is too. This time of year, we like t […]

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We love white space and the visual calm it creates, but when space is especially tigh […]

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NEAT to Know | Linens

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sound […]

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