NEAT to Know | Spices

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sounds like too much we suggest taking small steps that will make a big difference over time. Here’s what you “NEAT to Know” to…

Organize your spices in 5 steps!

Step 1: Pull out all of your spices
Pull it all out! Make sure you check the pantry and all cabinets for any stragglers!

Step 2: Check all expiration dates
You’d be surprised how many expired spices we find while organizing. We’ve even found items from the ’80s! Toss expired items and only replace ones you use often.

Step 3: Decide on location
We suggest either a cabinet or drawer nearby the cooktop – it’ll depend on your space and what’s most convenient for you.

Step 4: Decant spices into matching jars
This is an optional step, but we love the look and ease of matching spice jars.

Step 5: Alphabetize spices
Putting your spices in alphabetical order is the easiest way to quickly find the item you’re looking for.

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the NEAT team

Comments (2)

  • Wydechy Samochodowe

    Good organization of kitchen furniture is half the battle. The idea of cargo for spices is simple and very useful. I have and recommend myself. However, I must admit that having the same packets of spices is also impressive – this is something that I decided to implement thanks to your blog entries. Thank you.

  • Neat Method

    You’re welcome! We’re thrilled we inspired your organizing.

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