New NEAT City | Pittsburgh

Last week we hosted our June launch class for training in Chicago. Five new cities and five new girls will be joining the NEAT ranks over the next two weeks. Today we are excited to announce Nikki Orsborn is launching NEAT Pittsburgh. We sat down for a quick interview so you could get to know our newest NEAT girl.

NM :: Congrats on launching, Nikki! What did you do before launching NEAT?

NO:: I specialized in web design while working as the VP of Creative for tech agency, Branding Brand. The company specializes in designing and developing sites and apps for major e-commerce retailers.

NM :: What excites you about this new venture – owning NEAT Pittsburgh?

NO :: I can’t wait to bring NEAT’s creative methodologies and sustainable solutions to the Steel City. I’m looking forward to assisting anyone who recognizes that they need a little nudge, but doesn’t have the time or patience to tackle it alone. Large or small job, city or suburban home, I’m energized and ready to help others find a fresh perspective and a more productive life through organization.

NM :: What makes your city so special?

NO :: Pittsburgh has a great mix of people, art, and culture. It’s surrounded by three rivers and has 446 bridges, which is more than Venice! The food scene is delicious and the city very walkable.

NM :: Sounds pretty great! How long have you lived there?

NO :: Ten years! I moved here straight after my college graduation from Miami University (Ohio).

NM :: What are your favorite places to shop in the city?

NO :: City Grows is an urban plant store in our neighborhood, Lawrenceville. It’s almost impossible to browse and not buy anything! My family also loves to shop in the Strip District, which has of a variety of multicultural foods and vendors. During the summer months, we (including my husband, one-year-old, and two dogs) walk there most Saturday mornings. Oh, and Target!

NM :: What about your favorite places for a bite to eat?

NO :: That’s tough because there are so many great places to choose from…

The Vandal, in Lawrenceville, has a fresh, seasonal menu and delicious coffee. Federal Galley, a food court-style restaurant incubator, allows diners to select courses from a variety of options. Reyna’s, in the Strip District, is an authentic Mexican restaurant with its own tortilla factory and shaded outdoor seating. Last but not least, Mt. Lebanon’s Il Pizzaiolo bakes Neapolitan-style pizza and has an adorable wine bar on the back patio.

If you can’t tell, I love to eat!

NM :: We’d love to know – what is your most organized space?

NO :: My daughter’s bedroom drawers are the most organized… let’s hope she keeps them this way as she ages. (She’s only one!)

NM :: What about your least organized? Don’t worry, we wont judge!

NO :: My least organized space is my husband’s spice rack. I don’t know what half of this is, so I’m a little intimidated to deal with it. I’ve had spice jars and storage racks on my Container Store wishlist for awhile now, so I think it’s time!

NM :: Besides organizing, do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

NO :: I’m a yogi who will be starting my 200-hour Yoga Alliance teacher training this fall.

NM:: What is your favorite product to use to organize things?

NO :: I love using woven baskets to organize. Not only are they perfect for categorizing and hiding things, they look great too!

NM :: What blog do you think we NEED to follow now and why?

NO :: Apartment Therapy! From inspiration galleries, to paint color recommendations, to product reviews, it’s my go-to authority for anything home-related.

NM :: What business do you admire and why?

NO :: I admire my dad’s dentistry practice. In the ‘80s, he purchased a single-chair dental office in a trailer and turned it into a successful business (in an actual office building that he built). He sold his business a few years ago and is now semi-retired.

We can tell the entrepreneurial spirit is strong in your family! We are so happy you’ve joined NEAT and can’t wait to see all the beautiful spaces you’ll create in the Steel City!



the NEAT girls

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