New NEAT City | Sacramento

Heads up Sacramento – you now have your very own NEAT girl. Introducing Jackie Sueyres owner of NEAT Sacramento. We got to know her during the launch week in Chicago, but we wanted you to get to know her too!

NM :: Congrats on launching NEAT Sacramento! What made you want to be a NEAT girl?

JS :: I think NEAT offers a really amazing service that helps people live more organized lives which in turn makes life geneally easier. I’m a Sacramento native and I think we really have a market for NEAT.

NM :: So have you always lived in Sacramento?

JS :: I was born and raised in Sacramento, leaving a few times for college and post college adventures but my heart was always in Sacramento and I always knew it would be my home.

NM :: What makes Sacramento so special?

JS :: Sacramento is one of the fastest growing cities in the country with very diverse residents and a booming city revitalization.

NM :: What did you do before launching NEAT?

JS :: Prior to owning NEAT Sacramento I was a litigation and trial attorney.

NM :: Since you’re the Sacramento expert, what are your favorite spots to go shopping?

JS :: I love shopping at the many farmers markets that Sacramento has for fresh off the farm produce, for clothes and gifts we have a few awesome pop-up boutiques like Bueno Sport and Swim that I like to frequent, to keep it local.

NM :: What about the best local restaurants?

JS :: Poke Noke is my go to for a quick bite or lunch after a workout. For a date night and pork chop as big as my head, my go to is Mulvaney’s, but on most weeknights Selland’s saves the day.

NM :: We’d love to see your NEATest space, can you share it with us?

JS :: My most organized space is my dresser, everything is folded and in its place.

NM :: What about your least organized space? What happened?

JS :: My least organized space is my garage… all I can tell you is I blame my husband. LOL. We moved while I was 7 months pregnant (with a 1 1/2 year old running around too). I didn’t have the time or energy to do a big purge, so a lot of stuff went into the garage without any rhyme or reason. Let’s just say that now I’ve finished the rest of the house, the garage’s days are numbered.

NM :: What are you most excited about for running NEAT Sacramento?

JS :: I think my favorite part of running NEAT is going to be partnering with other local business owners and showing people how a truly organized space can not only improve the look of your home, but also its function.

NM :: Do you have any businesses that you admire?

JS :: I really admire anyone who owns their own small business. Taking the plunge and believing in yourself to be your own boss is no small task.

NM :: What can people expect when you organize their home?

JS :: People can expect a high-end professional service that is personally tailored to their home, family and style.

Thanks for sharing with us, Jackie! And congrats on launching NEAT Sacramento. Can’t wait to see your NEAT spaces.

the NEAT girls

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