Space Lift :: Toronto Nursery

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of how our clients are living more efficiently in their newly organized spaces.

Take a look at this nursery and see what makes it so NEAT!

City :: Toronto, ON

Organizer :: Jen Rowe

Client :: Kate Morawetz

Room :: Nursery

Hours to complete :: 5 hours

Objective :: Our client is a blogger and new mom who already had an IKEA Algot closet system in place in her baby's nursery. The NEAT Toronto team was brought in to help her better organize the closet, a rolling cart for diaper changing supplies, nearby shelving unit, and dresser (which already had some drawer dividers in it).

Client’s favorite feature ::  She appreciated the baskets we used in the closet and the shelving unit. They make tidying up a breeze. They're also an aesthetically pleasing way to conceal toys and baby gear.

Stand out product :: "The customizable hanging size dividers are great! It’s really nice to have all of Eloise’s clothes out in the open, hanging so it’s easy to see what she has. They make it so easy for me to pull outfits."- Kate


"Organizing Eloise’s closet has made life a little bit easier for us. Now, instead of fumbling around, trying to find what I was looking for, I can see everything and have the space to “hide” things she’s grown out of or will be growing into. Not only is the closet functional for us, it looks beautiful and makes the nursery look and feel finished!" -Kate 


What's your favorite part of this sweet nursery? 



The NEAT Girls


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