Simplified Spring Organizing

Spring is right around the corner and that's when we really thrive! But we get it, cleaning and organizing isn't for everyone. So we're breaking it down to make getting NEAT, simplified this spring. Let's focus on three areas that could use a refresh after the snow starts to melt: drop zone, closet, garage.


Drop Zone

Whether you're lucky enough to have a full mudroom, or your shoes collect in a landing zone by your front door, it's time to readjust for warmer weather. Replace cold weather items like heavy coats and winter boots with rain boots and light jackets, or whatever items will be worn most frequently. Consider switching any bins in the space to accommodate sunscreens and sun hats in lieu of gloves and beanies. 



If space is lacking in your closet, now is the perfect time for a seasonal switch. We encourage clients who live in cold climates to pack heavy layers away in storage bins when spring comes. Categorize, contain, and label before storing them out of the way in a basement, attic or under the bed. Doing this gives your sundresses and sandals plenty of room to "breathe" in your closet and with less choices, getting dressed will be that much easier. 

This is also an obvious time to edit your winter and summer wardrobes. If you don't remember wearing something in the last year, it's probably time to give it a better home through donation programs, consignment, or "Buy Nothing" Facebook groups in your area. 



Now that weather is warming up, you can finally give your garage a good sweep and donate any unnecessary clutter that has collected over the winter. We're talking, any toys or gear that your children have outgrown, tools or home improvement items that are broken or no longer used, and anything that actually belongs inside the house. Make sure to research before disposing of hazardous waste like motor oil, paint and pesticides, as these items are typically banned from trash cans. If you're feeling motivated to go beyond decluttering, get as many items up off the floor as possible by adding shelving and hooks, like in the example above. 

Feeling the spring organizing bug, but don't know where to start? Let us help! We have over 75 teams across the US and Canada offering full-service luxury organization, including arranging for the proper disposal and donation of any items you no longer want or need. 

Tell us, what projects are you taking on when the weather warms up?


the NEAT team

Tagged closet, drop zone, garage, how to, spring cleaning
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