New Year NEAT Me 2024

Start fresh in 2024 with our annual New Year, NEAT Me calendar challenge - back and better than ever! Embrace the new year with a revitalized approach to home organization, complete with daily expert tips and inspiration that aligns with our easy-to-follow calendar.

Ready to transform your home and lifestyle? Here's how to join in:

  • Download the calendar. This year, we’ve also included a weekly worksheet to help you stay on track.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive weekly emails that will break down each week's focus and provide a quick 10-minute fix for busy days
  • Stay updated with our daily Instagram stories for ongoing tips and motivation!

This year, we're honing in on four key areas of the home: Pantry, Kitchen, Bath & Laundry, and Closet - spaces we all have and use every day. Start 2024 with us and let's make it the neatest year yet!

Alternate Categories

Not every category on the calendar will apply to everyone. If you need an alternate project, we’ve provided a few here:

  • Pantry
    • Fridge: Clear your fridge, tossing expired items as you go. Give it a good wipe down before placing everything back in categorized groups. Make sure to leave room for leftovers!
    • Drinks: Whether you’re a coffee drinker, smoothie maker or just love to stock up on bottled drinks it’s time to get them in order. Toss expired items first. Then, set aside a drawer or shelf for your category of choice. Remove excess packaging and line up bottled items in single rows from front to back. Gather coffee and smoothie items in bins by type. Add labels to finish off the space. 
  • Kitchen
    • Small Appliances: Gather all your small appliances together before determining if there are any you can edit. If space is limited, daily use items like a toaster or coffee maker can be placed on the kitchen counter while less often used items like a waffle maker or slow cooker should be placed on a bottom pantry or kitchen shelf. 
    • Serving Dishes: Depending on the size of your serving collection, you may want to categorize them based on use or set. Everyday items should be placed on a shelf that is easy to access while seasonal items can be tucked out of the way on upper or lower shelves.
  • Bath & Laundry
    • Travel Toiletries: Editing is the key step when it comes to travel toiletries. Only keep a collection of items you could reasonably go through in the next year or two. The rest will likely expire before it can be used. Place everything within a single bin and locate in a less frequently accessed shelf or drawer.
    • Backstock: For all you bulk buyers, take some time to sort through what you have to prevent storage issues and overbuying. Whether you decide to store your backstock within each space it applies to or all together, it’s important to categorize everything before containing smaller items in labeled bins and lining up larger items in rows. 
  • Closet
    • Nightstand: Clear your nightstand making sure to remove anything that doesn’t belong. Only place items back that you consider go-to for your bedtime routine or are a continuation of your dresser. Add drawer organizers as needed to prevent items from shifting.
    • Workout: Gather all athletic gear together and set aside anything that no longer fits, is well-loved or you no longer wear to be donated. Fold everything into categorized stacks and place them upright into rows within a bin or drawer. Add drawer dividers as needed to provide boundaries for those slippery fabrics.

Need a little extra motivation? Turn up the speaker as you tackle each space with our New Year NEAT Me playlists on Spotify. 


the NEAT team

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