New NEAT City | Chicago - South Suburbs

It’s that time again! Launch week. This week we are launching new franchise owners and new markets! Let’s dive in to see who our new additions are.

We want to welcome Camille Swiech of South Suburbs – Chicago. We are thrilled she’s a part of the team. Let’s find out more about what makes her so NEAT.

NM :: Why do you want to run NEAT in your city?

CS :: I started working as a contractor for Neat in Chicago 2 years ago and truly discovered my dream job. When the opportunity arose for me to bring it to my roots, I couldn't pass it up!

NM :: What did you do before NEAT?

CS ::  For the past 2 years I have worked for NEAT Method Chicago and North Shore. Also, I currently hold a real estate license in Illinois and work out of an office in Evergreen Park. I will never get tired of all things homes!

NM :: What makes your city unique?

CS :: The Southside is more like a small town inside a big city, it has such a strong sense of community. Everyone knows each other or knows someone that lives there. I have traveled to other countries and talked to strangers that have some sort of connection!

NM :: How long have you lived in your city?

CS :: I was born and raised in Chicago and have lived in my current neighborhood for the past 12 years.

NM :: What are your favorite places to shop in your city?

CS :: To be honest I am not a big shopper! I am your basic jeans and a t-shirt girl. If I have a special occasion coming up I stop in The Dressing Room boutique in Frankfort or Orland.

NM :: Show us a picture of your most organized space and tell us what it is.

CS :: I live in a pretty small space so I had to be creative with making an office area. I have a little nook in the wall in the living room so I repurposed an old filing cabinet my parents had, painted it white, added a magnetic board and DONE! Super functional for my current needs.

NM :: What about your least organized space? What the heck happened?

CS :: This is so embarrassing knowing I have been an organizer for the past 2 years! It is under the island in my kitchen. It is the biggest storage space I have in my home, therefore most large items get tossed in there. I will get to it one of these days!

NM :: What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

CS :: My favorite will definitely be getting to do what I love in the neighborhoods I love. I am so eager to be able to spread NEAT to this market.

NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

CS :: They can expect the consistency of the Neat Method brand customized to their needs. Working for NEAT the past 2 years has given me the chance to form relationships with our clients so quickly while working directly in their homes. We get the work done and have a blast while doing it. I believe what we do truly gives our clients less stress in their lives and they are always so appreciative. It’s such a great feeling to have as an organizer.

NM :: What business do you admire and why?

CS :: Buy Me Once They do research to find the most durable, sustainable and ethically made products to create less waste in this world. You can literally search anything on this site to  find a product that works for you and you’ll feel good buying it. I learned about it from reading the founder, Tara Button's book A Life Less Throwaway. I encourage everyone to read that as well!

Congratulations! We’re so excited to have you join NEAT!

The NEAT Girls

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