3 Essential Steps to Prepare Your Closet for Warmer Weather (no matter where you live)

We love a good seasonal wardrobe switch - especially when we're anticipating summer! Not only does it get those tanks and sandals front and center, but it can also give your clothes a bit of breathing room. If you live in a warmer climate where there isn't a huge change in seasons (aka you don't own heavy winter items), there are still closet tweaks you can make to provide easy access and an effortless flow as you transition to summer. Here's what we suggest...

1. Edit 

The changing of the seasons is the perfect time to give your clothing an edit. When transitioning from winter to summer, take a minute and set aside any heavy sweaters, coats, scarves and hats that you didn't wear at all in the past year. For those in warmer climates, this should include an edit of all your extra layers and closed toed shoes. Go through this pile and decide whether there are any items that you no longer want or that don't fit and put them in a donation bag. For items that are stained, torn or broken, go ahead and toss or recycle them. 

2. Prioritize 

Once you've done a thoughtful edit, it's time to prioritize the current season's must haves in your closet. Items like t-shirts, tank tops, shorts and sandals should be placed at the front of clothing rods, on eye level shelves and within higher drawers. Make sure all your warm weather items are easy to access as you'll be reaching for them frequently. This is also a great time to prioritize items that support a new habit or goal you've set for yourself. For example, place athletic wear for a new sport you are playing within sight (we're looking at you pickle ball players). 

3. Store 

Now that you've removed those winter items from front and center shelves and drawers, you'll need to decide where to relocate them. If space allows, or if you live in a warmer climate, you might want to keep them in your closet but place them in harder to access areas like the back of the closet rod and upper shelves. If you live in a cold climate, we suggest removing these bulky winter items from your closet and placing them in a lidded bin, then storing in a basement, attic or under your bed. See the way your hangers no longer touch? Wait till you see what that does for wrinkles. 

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of taking on a closet transition? Connect with your local NEAT team and let them handle all the details. 


the NEAT team

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