5 Easy Changes for Simplified Routines

Going through the motions of daily tasks doesn't have to be chaotic. If you find yourself struggling to get out the door or keep trash from accumulating in your car... we have a few solutions that can help. Simplify your daily routines with these 5 easy changes. It might not change your life, but we promise it will make it a little easier...

1. Remove snacks from boxes
Spend a few minutes unboxing packaged snacks like granola bars, applesauce pouches and fruit snacks and place them in an open bin or basket. This may take extra time when you're putting your groceries away but it will ultimately save time when it matters most - aka running out the door on your way to soccer practice. 

2. Keep a trash can in your car
The cluttered car struggle is real. Keep it in check with a car sized trash can for corralling snack wrappers, napkins, and other odds and ends that collect in the back seat. Empty it when full and appreciate a car that is free from trash. 

3. Designate a donation spot in your home
Regularly donating items that no longer fit or aren't being used is an important part of keeping your home NEAT. Instead of the typical trash bag in the corner, invest in a permanent bin specifically for this purpose. Place it out of the way in a spare closet or on a garage shelf. Once it's full, place the contents in the car to be dropped off. 

4. Create an exit bin
Identify that one thing you (or your family members) are always running back inside for. Whatever it is - socks, sunblock, sunglasses - gather it in a small bin and place it by your most common exit for easy access. Restock as necessary.

5. Stock up on favorites
If you often find yourself tossing aside the same pair of socks, tank top, or tee in favor of a different style, we're giving you permission to finally say goodbye. Take 15 minutes to pull that category out, remove the styles you don't like for donation and order more of the ones you do. 


Grid Basket

Car Trash Can

Oxford Bin

Rope Bin



the NEAT team


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Tagged home organization, tips
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