New NEAT City | Dallas - Highland Park

It’s that time again! Launch week. This week we are launching new franchise owners and new markets! Let’s dive in to see who our new additions are.

We want to welcome Shelley Tims of Highland Park. We are thrilled she’s a part of the team. Let’s find out more about what makes her so NEAT.

NM :: Why do you want to run NEAT in your city?

ST :: I love having systems in place that make everyday life easier. When life is easier you can actually live and enjoy each and every opportunity instead of having the angst surrounding you of things being a bit out of place. As a Dallas native with a 25 year career in the graphics and communications field, I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to have my own business. I had mentioned to Valerie at the beginning of 2019 if the opportunity came along to launch this area that I was 100% interested. As we all go thru seasons in our life, I am in the perfect season and position for this opportunity that has presented itself.

NM :: What did you do before NEAT?

ST :: Prior to NEAT I enjoyed a more than 20 year career in the graphics and communications field along with a second career in not for profit. I most recently managed a foundation that supported the athletic training profession. As I took a step back and evaluated my next chapter, I worked part time at The Container Store where I was a sales floor lead and closet designer!

NM :: What makes your city unique?

ST :: Dallas is a small big city! It has also recently become of age in that it's an internationally recognized art market, a city with a thriving food scene and a city that has begun to recognize its neighborhoods. Additionally a unique aspect of my city is that it remains insulated to a degree to the changes in the ecomony. The area of Highland Park and surrounding area that I will be working in is also extremely philanthropic and loyal to friends and businesses!

NM :: How long have you lived in your city?

ST :: I am a native texan that has lived in Dallas more than 40 years (I moved here when I was 2 years old!)

NM :: What are your favorite places to eat in your city?

ST :: The Mercury, Meseros, Mi Cocina, Javiers…all but one are Mexican Food!

NM :: Show us a picture of your most organized space and tell us what it is.

ST :: Our bathroom – my man likes to buy in bulk and in the past before I did this space we had bulk to spare and enough toothbrushes for a zip code in Dallas.  Having the ability to have a his and hers side along with common items on the bottom; we can now shop our very own aisles so to speak and utilize our deep shelving to keep shopping at a minimum and know when it's time to bulk up!

NM :: What about your least organized space? What the heck happened?

ST :: My side of the closet shown is a mess! I recently moved and the file folding hasn't happened, things are in the wrong labeled bins – that is NOT toilet paper in the upper left hand bin. Everything just landed in a spot and hasn't moved since.

NM :: What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

ST :: Having a connection to the majority of my clients! As a native Texan and having grown up in the area I am owning my business in means I have many opportunities for common ground with my clients. It's already happened as I have been working NEAT Method jobs the past two years.

NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

ST :: Clear communication before during and after the project, honesty, humility and a strong work ethic. They can expect the opportunity to participate and provide feedback as the project progresses if they wish. Additionally; they can expect creative solutions to meet their project needs, not just a plug and play approach!

NM :: Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

ST :: I absolutely love to cook. I love the challenge of going out to eat, finding that perfect dish and they recreating it at home (without googling it first!). I can also take a sparsely stocked pantry/refrigerator and come up with a delicious meal that comes across like I intended it to be that way all along.

Congratulations! We’re so excited to have you join NEAT!

The NEAT Girls

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