NEAT Retreat : Jessica Doll

Over the next few months, we’re thrilled to introduce you to several collaborators that will take part in our first ever wellness event the NEAT Retreat – a wellness event in San Francisco. With our expert guest speakers, NEAT will show you how being organized can be the catalyst for endless positive change in many aspects of your life. When you live organized, there is much more space for living well in other areas of your life and we are going to show you exactly how to make simple changes that have huge impact.

We are honored to now introduce you to our friend Jessica Doll a blogger and photographer who will be sharing her wonderful tips on maintaining a minimal wardrobe.

Photo: Sarah Hettervik


Please introduce yourself to the NEAT community.

Hi! I’m Jessica Doll – a professional photographer, lifestyle blogger, avid traveler, & stylish mama living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am passionate about simple modern living and I believe making intentional choices in your life will improve it overall, whether it’s packing light for a trip, keeping a minimal home, or having a minimal wardrobe. My passion lies in storytelling that inspires others to live a life they don’t feel the need to escape from.

I recently guest lectured at Stanford University, I’ve been featured in Modern Luxury magazine, and partnered with Everlane, Tesla Motors, and Ritz Carlton. In my spare time I enjoy running, exploring nature near and far, and taking care of my plant-babies.

Photo: Kate Skogen


What space of your home is the most organized? Why?

Hands down, my closet. I’d hate to refer to it as a well-oiled machine, but it is. Everything is hung perfectly and all of the items in my drawer are file-folded to perfection. Getting dressed is the least stressful part of my day and packing for trips is a breeze. Years ago I had a much larger closet and it didn’t serve me well. I was constantly stressed out about what I should wear and why nothing fit. Now I enjoy choosing an outfit because every item in my closet is something I love for one reason or another. I work with my husband and two sons as well to try to keep their closets minimal, organized, and full of only items they love and will wear often.

Photo: Steve Doll


What does organization mean to you in your profession?

I think I can speak for anyone who is self-employed when I say that the free time you imagine having before you quit your day job doesn’t exist. Working for yourself and from home means setting work hours is a constant struggle. My office area is part of my living room and it’s so tempting to work all hours of the day simply because I can. In my line of work being efficient and streamlined assists me because I don’t have much outside help. I have to make my time work for me in in the most productive way possible so that I am less anxious about deadlines or producing quality work. The more I can get done in my work-only time, the more time I get to enjoy with my family and hobbies outside of it.

Photo: Kate Skogen


What’s one space you are excited about learning about how to organize at the NEAT Retreat and why?

I’m excited to learn more about organizing my kitchen. About a year ago we moved from a larger home, coincidentally with a smaller kitchen to one that is smaller but features a larger kitchen area. I’m at peace with the smaller footprint of our home, but I’m so overwhelmed with all of the space in the kitchen. It’s a place I enjoy to be while cooking meals and entertaining but I also want it to work best for our family of four.

Can you tell our readers a little bit about a current project you’re working on.

My favorite feedback I receive is from readers or followers who say that I’ve helped them to minimize their closet or pack for a trip more efficiently. I love the impact that my brand has had in helping people be more intentional about their wardrobe and clothing choices and to hear feedback on that is the ultimate gold-star for me. I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to revamp my blog and make it even more useful to my readers and followers and can’t wait for all of my hard work to come to fruition.

Tagged Our Crushes

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