Working From Home with Marie Flanigan

The transition to working from home has been an adjustment for countless industries over the last few months. Tech updates and zoom calls have made remote work possible, but what about your new work environment? Not inspiring? We get it. Makeshift desks and kids on the loose aren't the most conducive to meeting that deadline.

We can't help entertain your little ones, but we thought it would be insightful to hear how a leader in home design manages to stay inspired when working from home. We connected with interior designer, Marie Flanigan, for insight on how she's making it work.

NM: Where are you working right now?

MF: I’m working in my guest space, which is a peaceful little spot above my garage. I love it because I’m just steps away from my family if needed, but it’s quiet and fully stocked with coffee and snacks.


NM: What a gorgeous space, and quiet too? Sounds like a dream. What has been the biggest adjustment for you?

MF: Letting go of control! Each day looks different depending on my client’s needs, husband’s work schedule, and grandparents’ plans.  We are so fortunate we have family here to help us manage the chaos. I don’t know what I would do without them!


NM: We definitely feel that too, but it sounds like you have a great support system! What has pleasantly surprised you about working from home right now? 

MF: That so much of what we do can be accomplished remotely! It’s opening up a new world of possibilities to take on clients that are out of state or even in another country. We have adapted and streamlined our processes to come up with creative ways to share concepts and materials.


NM: That's amazing! Way to focus on the positive. Last question, how have you been able to foster creativity while working from home?

MF: Morning walks with my family keep me sane! We often bring garden sheers to cut a pretty branch and bring it indoors. I also love drawing inspiration from old design books. It’s surprising how much more you see when you slow down and really study them.

Such a good idea. We're bringing shears on our next nature walk! Thank you so much for sharing your work from home journey with us. Your space is gorgeous and looks like a perfect workspace retreat. Here's hoping we're all able to enjoy an uninterrupted work day soon.  


the NEAT team

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