NEAT the North | Toronto

We are THRILLED to announce that NEAT Method is officially international! This week we launch four new markets in Canada and we cannot wait for you to meet the new women joining the NEAT family. We’d love for you to meet Jen Rowe of NEAT Toronto. Let’s see what makes her a perfect fit for this job.

NM :: Welcome Jen! We are so excited you’re joining the team. What made you want to run NEAT Toronto?

JR :: For many in urban communities, space is at a premium. I’m hoping to help clients in Toronto to get the most out of their spaces so they can get the most out of living in this amazing city of ours.

NM :: What did you do before NEAT?

JR :: I started my career in broadcasting, working in both Sales Promotions and later in Production and Communications. For more than 15 years, I’ve worked in Communications in the public and non­profit sectors, working on campaigns related to health promotion, girls’ and women’s rights in developing communities, girls’ education, and improving the lives of children and youth involved in the child welfare system.

NM :: What makes your city unique?

JR :: Toronto, like Canada, is a cultural mosaic and this is celebrated through various festivals throughout the year. It’s also a city made up of a number of neighbourhoods that each feel like a small town within a big city. I moved here 18 years ago for post­graduate degree and have lived here ever since.

NM :: We’d love to know, what are your favorite places to shop in your city?

JR :: Whenever possible, I try to steer clear of the mall and prefer to shop local. Each neighbourhood has its own unique flair and local gems. I happen to live in an area that has been evolving over the last several years and there are tons of great shops popping up. I love wandering the shops on the Danforth, in Riverside and Leslieville, and popping over to Yorkville or Queen West for a change of scenery.

NM :: What are your favorite places to eat in your city?

JR :: My favourite restaurants are City Betty, Planta, Fat Pasha, and El Sol.

NM :: As a professional organizer, we’d love to see your NEATest space.

JR :: My son’s IKEA PAX Wardrobe. Maybe it’s the one I’m most proud of because, since I organized it, my 7­ year­ old has kept it organized with very little help from me.

NM :: I guess it runs in the family! 😉 What do you think will be your favorite part of being a NEAT Canada owner?

JR :: I’m so excited to be among the first NEAT owners in Canada and to help build the brand’s presence in this country. I’m looking forward to collaborating with my Canadian colleagues and drawing on the expertise of the established experience held by our counterparts south of the 49th.

NM :: Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

JR :: I love to sew, but haven’t had as much time to do that since having children. I have also been known to sing some karaoke from time to time.

We’ll be sure to pass you the microphone at NEAT Summit 2020 😉

Welcome Jen! We can’t wait to see how you bring #theNEATlife to Toronto.

The NEAT Girls

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