How to Tackle Distance Learning Like a Pro

How to Tackle Distance Learning Like a Pro

Photo Credit: Katie Koentje, NEAT Method San Diego Everyone is headed "back to school" but for most kids, that means walking down the hall to the...

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Prepping Your Home for an Organized Move

Prepping Your Home for an Organized Move

While we consider our specialty home organization, we also offer moving and relocation services in partnership with local moving companies. We've ...

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NEAT to Know | Kids Crafts

NEAT to Know | Kids Crafts

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sounds like too much we suggest taking small steps that will make ...

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The Complete Guide to Getting Organized with Kids

The Complete Guide to Getting Organized with Kids

It probably seems impossible to keep the house clean right now, and we're here to let you know that, it's okay! As we all strive to find balance, ...

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How To Get Organized In One Hour Or Less

How To Get Organized In One Hour Or Less

If you're anything like the average person, you split your time between work, playtime, meal prep, housework and a million other little things. For...

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Packing Tips with Ready to Where

Packing Tips with Ready to Where

This time of year is all about family, friends, celebration and that usually means – travel. It’s tough to stay organized while on the road, so we ...

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6 Tips to Prep Your Fridge for the Holidays with Maytag

6 Tips to Prep Your Fridge for the Holidays with Maytag

With the holidays just around the corner, it's important to get organized before all the parties, presents & visitors! We collaborated with our...

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Space Lift: College Dorm

Space Lift: College Dorm

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of how our clients...

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NEAT to Know | Intimates

NEAT to Know | Intimates

We get it, organizing can be overwhelming. If tackling your entire home at once sounds like too much we suggest taking small steps that will make a...

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Summer Packing Tips with IHG

Summer Packing Tips with IHG

Can you believe it’s already summer?! Personally, we’re so excited to get a bit of rest and relaxation now that we’ve got a break. Who’s with us?! ...

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How to Organize Cleaning Products

How to Organize Cleaning Products

While we don’t pretend to be professional house cleaners – we do know a thing or two about cleaning products! Well… we know about organizing them, ...

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Moving Tips from the Pros

Moving Tips from the Pros

Moving can be such a stressful experience! At NEAT Method we love getting our clients all settled in and ready to go immediately after the move, bu...

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So often we hear from our clients that their biggest challenge when organizing, is kn […]

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Summer is anything but slow. With camp carpooling and vacations in motion, the last […]

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We love white space and the visual calm it creates, but when space is especially tigh […]

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Anatomy of a NEAT Pantry

Pantries are our bread and butter....pun intended. We organize them more than any oth […]

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Drawing a blank on a Valentine's gift? As far as we're concerned, nothing says I love […]

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We're thrilled to announce that you can now shop select NEAT products at Lulu & G […]

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