How to Create a Homework Station

How to Create a Homework Station

School is officially back, and along with it the homework assignments. But, don't let the weight of a full backpack get you down. Set your child up...

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Ashley's Office and Den Redesign

Ashley's Office and Den Redesign

We love a transformation around here, but not every space requires a complete overhaul. NEAT co-founder, Ashley Murphy, recently connected with th...

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Designing a Healthier Home Office with Humanscale

Designing a Healthier Home Office with Humanscale

COVID-19 is making a lasting mark on the way we work. As many of us shift to working from home, it’s more important than ever to ensure your home ...

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March Organizing Calendar

March Organizing Calendar

Happy March! Our monthly calendars continue with this month's theme focusing on workspaces. We're sharing daily tips on our Instagram stories that...

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Space Lift: YouTuber Office

Space Lift: YouTuber Office

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of how our clients...

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Space Lift: Small Office

Space Lift: Small Office

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of their newly org...

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School is officially back, and along with it the homework assignments. But, don't let […]

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We love a transformation around here, but not every space requires a complete overhau […]

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COVID-19 is making a lasting mark on the way we work. As many of us shift to working […]

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March Organizing Calendar

Happy March! Our monthly calendars continue with this month's theme focusing on works […]

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Space Lift: YouTuber Office

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but wha […]

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Space Lift: Small Office

We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but wha […]

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