March Organizing Calendar

March Organizing Calendar

Happy March! Our monthly calendars continue with this month's theme focusing on workspaces. We're sharing daily tips on our Instagram stories that...

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February Organizing Calendar

February Organizing Calendar

Happy February! So many of you loved our #newyearNEATme challenge, so we've decided to keep it up throughout the whole year. Each month we'll rele...

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New Year NEAT You

New Year NEAT You

Happy New Year! This year we're starting off 2020 on the right foot... with organization of course! We've created a calendar of small spaces & ...

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How To Plan Your Week

How To Plan Your Week

It will probably come as no surprise that the NEAT girls love a good calendar system! We use a variety of planners, online programs and other tools...

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Creating the Perfect Command Center at Home

Creating the Perfect Command Center at Home

It is that time of the year when school is back in session (or close) and the papers coming in from school and schedule for sports and other extr...

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Latest Entries ::

It's September! This month our organizing calendar focus is "Storage". Garages, basem […]

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August Organizing Calendar

Happy August! This month our organizing calendar focus is "Cooking". Streamline your […]

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July Organizing Calendar

Happy July! This month we're focusing on "Hobbies", specifically crafts, gardening an […]

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June Organizing Calendar

Happy June! This month's organizing calendar focus is "Play". It's time to get those, […]

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May Organizing Calendar

Happy May! This month's organizing calendar focus is "Family". All those shared space […]

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April Organizing Calendar

Happy April! This month we're focusing on cleaning. It turns out, it's the perfect ti […]

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