Mastering the Art of Editing: Pantry and Kitchen Transformation in The Hamptons

Organizer Spotlight: Maureen Howard

In Easthampton, NY, a family found themselves overwhelmed when their second home unexpectedly became their primary residence during the Covid pandemic. The clutter that resulted, particularly in the pantry and kitchen of their 5-bedroom, 7-bathroom house, called for the expertise of professional organizer Maureen Howard and the NEAT Method The Hamptons team. With their dog adding to the mix, the challenge was to create an orderly space that could accommodate the needs of a bustling family life.

Unraveling a Disorganized Pantry

The main issue was a pantry that had become a dumping ground for various household items, leading to disorder in both the pantry and kitchen. The organizers recognized that the first step was to help the client edit and remove unnecessary excess belongings from the space. 

The Power of Labels and Bins in Organizing

The solution was simple: a space plan that maximized the use of labels and bins. These tools were key in transforming the pantry, offering clear categorization and easy access. It also ensured that everything had a designated place, in order to avoid the usual clutter and confusion.

Editing and Categorization: The Path to Clarity

An important part of the process was the categorization of pantry and kitchen items, which included a thoughtful edit. This was not just about reducing the number of items but also about finding the right organizing solutions. The team's strategy involved working closely with the client to define pantry categories that were practical and aligned with their lifestyle.

Overcoming the Overabundance Challenge

Despite an initial edit by the client, there was still a large amount of belongings left to store. The organizing team introduced a compassionate yet practical approach: encouraging the client to let go of items with love. This mantra helped the client part with items that had been unused for years, making space for essentials and creating a more functional system. 

Client's Favorite Aspect: An Organized, User-Friendly Pantry

The client was most impressed with the overall functionality and ease of use that the new system brought. The turntables and labeled bins and baskets particularly stood out, making it effortless for the entire family to find and store items, especially for quick access to snacks and everyday essentials.

Conclusion: Transforming Spaces, Enhancing Lives in The Hamptons

In just 6 hours, Maureen Howard and her team expertly transformed a cluttered pantry and kitchen into a well-organized and efficient space. This project highlights the impact of professional organization in creating a harmonious home environment, particularly in the fast-paced lifestyle of a busy family.


Rattan Basket

Grid Basket

Acacia Riser

Pantry Label Set


the NEAT team

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