New NEAT City | Des Moines

NEAT is expanding AGAIN and today and we are bursting with excitement to announce Sophie Gillotti is launching Des Moines, Iowa!

Our newest girl cannot wait to get her city NEAT! So let’s get to know Sophie, shall we?

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: Hi Sophie! We are so excited you’re launching. What made you want to run NEAT Des Moines?
SG :: I realized one thing Des Moines was missing was a luxury organizing company. Now I can help the city of Des Moines become more organized with NEAT Method. Also, being very detail oriented, I knew I would be the perfect person for the job and I’ll be able to enjoy helping others in my community become NEAT!

NM :: Sounds like a win win! Tell us, what did you do before you ran NEAT?
SG :: I worked for a Golf Event Management company located in Scottsdale. I started off in PR & Marketing and eventually grew to running corporate and charity events across the midwest. The job became seasonal, I wanted to focus on something full-time… and along came NEAT!

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: How long have you lived in Des Moines?
SG :: I was born and raised in Des Moines! I am excited to be back after living in Arizona for three years.

NM :: Well we are glad you’re back! What makes your city unique?
SG :: Des Moines has a variety of great landmarks, restaurants and shopping districts. As it grows each year it is fun to see it turn from a small town to a big city. Des Moines has lots of different entertainment areas across town, so during all four seasons there is always something to see and do.

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: Seems like there are a ton of places to do, but what are your favorite places to shop?
SG :: I love this question! Blond Genius, K. Renee & Velvet Coat for fashion. Accent + Interiors and Boxwoods for the home, and Pink Print Co. for letterpress.

NM :: And what about places to eat?
SG :: So many great places!! Here are my favorites: St. Kilda for breakfast, A Taste of Italy for lunch and Wasabi for dinner.

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: Sounds like a great spot! What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in Des Moines?
SG :: My favorite part is going to be fulfilling my clients organizing needs. I can’t wait to introduce efficiency and quality products to my clients.

NM :: Speaking of organizing, what is your most organized space?
SG :: I love my clean and organized entry-way area. The entryway can really set the tone for the rest of the home.

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: Ooh, how inviting! What about your LEAST organized space? Can you show us that?
SG :: I think most of us would agree that after a night out on the town clothing seems to land on “the chair,” and in my case it’s “the bench.” I downsized my bench to keep this from happening, but often my clean clothing ends up on the lovely bench for a bit before it gets put away.

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?
SG :: They can expect me to bring luxury and style to their home through organization. Instead of living in clutter, my clients lives will be simplified. They can also expect professionalism, energy in my work and expertise in products.

NM :: Speaking of product, what’s your favorite product you use to organize things?
SG :: I love a Glass Slant Jars with a metal lid and a label. You can use this product in playrooms, offices, pantries, laundry rooms and more! I especially love using glass when the items going in the container are colorful and consistent.

NM :: Besides organizing, do you have any secret talents you’d like to share?
SG :: I am a very fast gift-wrapper.

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: As a new business owner yourself, do you have a business that you admire?
SG :: I admire the blogging business. Blogging is very time consuming and you have to stay create and active with your followers or else they will lose interest. It’s wonderful people can make a career out of blogging.

NM :: Speaking of blogging, which blog do we NEED to follow?
SG :: Something Navy… obviously! What Arielle has created in 7 years is truly inspiring and shows that hard work pays off.

Sophie Gilletti, Des Moines, Iowa, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, organizing, moving

NM :: Well that’s all the time we have. Is there anything else we need to know?
SG :: I can’t wait to make Des Moines NEAT!
NM :: We can’t wait either!

Ladies and gentleman, Des Moines is officially launched! Sophie can’t wait to bring NEAT to the Hawkeye State.

the NEAT girls

Comments (1)

  • Adrienne Garcia


    I’d love to become more involved with The Neat Method. I’m obsessed with organizing and have a lot of experience as well as interior design experience. I’m currently in the process of organizing a hoarder’s home-yikes! But I weirdly LOVE it and there never seems to be enough time in the day for me to do everything I want to. I know you guys are already in Salt Lake and was wondering if there was any job or internship opportunity available. I’m happy to send my resume-I’m hardworking, social media savvy, and passionate about organization. Thanks!


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