New NEAT City | Philadelphia

We are so excited to introduce you to the final girl from our latest launch. Please welcome Caitlin Sirianni who is launching Philadelphia, PA! She already is a NEAT girl, but she’s ready to take the lead herself!

NM :: What made you want to launch NEAT Philly?

CS :: I’ve worked for NEAT Method Columbus for the past year and absolutely fell in love with the business. Organization has always been a core part of my lifestyle and doing it professionally for others is the coolest thing ever. Being able to help others in my hometown makes it that much sweeter.

NM :: What did you do before you started NEAT?

CS :: I’ve actually been working as a lead organizer for NEAT Method Columbus for the past year. Before I started working as an organizer, I was working in medical fitness as a Wellness Assessment Coordinator and Personal Trainer. I’ve always enjoyed helping others and teaching strategies to improve quality of life. Whether that’s lifting weights or organizing a closet, it’s incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact it has the client’s life.

NM :: What makes your city unique?

CS :: My favorite thing about Philly is the fact that it’s a big city (6th largest in the US to be exact!) yet has a small town vibe making it very livable. It’s a city made of many charming neighborhoods, and a city that really embraces the arts. There’s always something new and exciting going on. One of the best parts of living in Philly is how close it is to other major east coast cities like DC and NYC.

NM :: How long have you lived in your city?

CS :: I was born and raised in Philly and moved to DC for college and then to Columbus once I graduated. While I haven’t lived there for almost ten years, I have traveled back constantly to visit friends and family. I am beyond excited to truly experience the city as an adult for the first time!

NM :: What are your favorite places to shop in your city?

CS :: The best areas to go shopping are definitely Walnut Street, King of Prussia, and Suburban Square. All of very different vibes, but have all the stores you could possibly want. The Anthropologie on Rittenhouse Square is the best. Two of my favorite places to buy gifts are Threadwell and Robertson’s Flowers & Events in Chestnut Hill.

NM :: What are your favorite places to eat in your city?

CS :: I am definitely a foodie—my parents were restaurateurs before having kids— and am super excited to explore the amazing food scene in Philly now that I live here full time. A restaurant I’m already dying to try is WM Mulherin’s Sons. Three of my favorite dinner spots are A Mano, Buddakan , and Townsend – Italian, Asian, and French (I like it all!). Growing up in Chestnut Hill, I’ll will always have a soft spot for Chestnut Hill Coffee Co and CinCin!

NM :: We’d love to see your most organized space!

CS :: I am all about a good beverage station (coffee, tea, smoothies, etc). I start every morning with hot water, lemon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and honey. While I sip on that, I make French press coffee or a Nespresso latte. Having a dedicated beverage zone in my kitchen helps make my mornings more relaxing and helps me maintain my routine.

NM :: What about your least organized space and tell us what the heck happened.

CS :: My photos are all over the place. The cloud, my phone, my computer, and Google Photos. My long term project is moving all my photos to Google Photo (so easy to use and so much storage). However, when I first started this project, once I got to my current photos, I stopped and haven’t worked on it since. It’s definitely time to do a big “clean out”. It’s so easy to get a massive collection of photos in this day and age, and I rarely look at them. My goal is to update my Google Albums quarterly, so this project doesn’t become too overwhelming again.

NM :: What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

CS :: I’ve always wanted to be a business owner, and I am thrilled to be an owner of something I am so passionate about. The best part to me is improving quality of life — it’s amazing how an organized space creates more space to do the things you love like spending time with friends and family. I can’t wait to share with others in Philly how powerful living the NEAT life can be.

NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

CS :: They can expect a professional and absolutely judgement-free approach. Having a stranger look through your messiest space is very intimate. No one should ever feel judged or embarrassed. I am truly there to help. My ultimate goal is making sure you are satisfied, feel you can maintain your new space, and that it was a stress free process. If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for me!

NM :: Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about?

CS :: I love to draw. From the time I was in preschool, I said I was an artist. While it hasn’t always been my main focus, I just recently started drawing again. In college, I briefly studied drawing and painting and always gravitated towards moody, realistic, charcoal figures. I sometimes dabble with other techniques—ink and acrylic painting—but you’ll always find the human body in my work.

Welcome to the team Cait! We can’t wait to see you bring NEAT to Philly.

the NEAT girls

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