5 Organizing Goals to Set Right Now

If you've already given up on your lofty new years resolutions, you aren't alone. But, that doesn't mean your goals have to end there. Most resolutions set the bar way too high. And, while we truly believe we're capable of anything we set our minds to, it's also extremely encouraging to check things off your list. We've put together 5 simple organizing goals that are easy to accomplish and will give you that quick win to set you back on track for the new year. 

1. Put it away

Listen to that voice inside your head that reminds you to put something back where it belongs. Yes, it takes longer to walk into the other room, but the time it will save you when you're looking for something, is so worth it. Make it a habit to return things where they belong and you can say goodbye to those last minute treasure hunts as you're heading out the door. Our blank label sets make this one super easy. 

2. Open your mail over the trash

Don't get stuck in the cycle of holding onto mail, catalogs and paper that you don't need. Keep your mail drop tidy by opening your mail over the garbage can. Do this every day and you'll find that you hold onto a lot less. For the items that you do hold onto, implement a divided organizer or letter tray and label each section, "to do", "to file", and "to shred". Everything else should get recycled. 

 3. Streamline socks and underwear

Here's a quick project. Just focus on your underwear drawer. Empty it out and sort by type. Anything with holes needs to go. If it no longer fits or you've stopped wearing it, time to toss. Divide each category in your drawer with drawer dividers. Folding your underwear looks nice but is not necessary, just make sure they're separated. Our acacia dividers come in four sizes that work with even the trickiest dimensions. 

4. Downsize kitchen gadgets

Someone once said, that any single use kitchen gadget can be replaced by a good knife. Meaning, your apple slicer, vegetable peeler, garlic press and pizza cutter might be taking up more room than is necessary. We're not telling you to give up on gadgets, but it might be time to get rid of any duplicates, first and foremost. Once you've done that, consider donating any that you no longer use. That's it! Enjoy a drawer with less clutter and a visual of everything you own. 

5. Say no to bulk

This one might be the hardest on the list, especially in the midst of a pandemic, but it's not a hard and fast rule. Take a look at the available space in your home for storing back stock or extras. If this space gets full, you should stop buying bulk items until there is room again. If you live in a tiny apartment, we would suggest putting an end to bulk buying entirely. One last thing. If you have an entire basement dedicated to back stock, make sure you have a system for keeping track of everything. The worst thing about buying in bulk, is when you buy items you didn't realize you already had or they go bad before you can use them. 



the NEAT team

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